Launch of “Cyprus: A classroom without walls” and Exploring the Buffer Zone as part of the International Day of Peace events on September 21st!
The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) invites you to the launch of the new publication entitled “Cyprus, A Classroom without Walls: A Teachers’ Guide to Engaging with Significant Sites” which provides support to educators and students of lower and upper secondary schools on their study visits to various sites across Cyprus with historic, cultural, geographical or any other form of significance. .
The educational material consists of two volumes, each including a pedagogic section, a section on Cypriot architecture and lesson plans for each site exploring a diverse range of themes and topics. The lesson plans are designed with activities that can be conducted before, during and after the study visit to the site takes place.
The launch will take place at the Home for Cooperation on 21st September 2022 between 17:30 – 18:30.
There are limited spaces. To register, please send an email to with your name and contact details with subject line “classroom without walls” by September 16th, 2022.
Following the launch, there will be a teaser of the publication, which will incorporate activities and a tour of the buffer zone in Ledra Palace, where participants will explore the buffer zone in the Ledra Palace area! The activity will explore the physical elements which provide information and insights about the past and present status of the area. Join us to learn more about the buffer zone!
This activity will take place between 18:45 – 20:00. There are limited spaces. To register, please send an email to with your name and contact details with subject line “exploring buffer zone” by September 16th, 2022. The publication is produced by the AHDR with funding from the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany. The activities in scope of the International Day of Peace are organized in collaboration with AHDR and the H4C.
For more information, please check our Facebook event at