The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) is launching the newly produced ‘Anti-racist Educational Materials’!

The AHDR, in collaboration with German NGO Gesicht Zeigen!, co-produced a series of different anti-racist educational materials. The materials encourage active participation in a democratic, diverse society and promote the exploration of difficult topics such as identity, democracy, gender, diversity and discrimination, by introducing innovative methodologies and concepts in a motivating and entertaining way.

For more information regarding the materials, you may visit our website at…/162-anti-racist-games.

This project has been funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany.



The event will begin at 17:00 with introductory speeches by Mr. Loizos Loukaidis, the Director of Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Ms. Rebecca Weis, Executive Director of Gesicht Zeigen!, H.E. Mrs. Anke Schlimm, Ambassador of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, and representatives of teacher trade unions. Then, the AHDR team will briefly present the Anti-racist Educational Materials. This will be followed by a panel discussion on anti-racism and education, with local and international experts. The panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. Elena Papamichael (Antiracist Education Expert). Joined by:

 Dr. Michalinos Zembylas, Professor of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies
 Dr. Shenel Hüsnü, Professor of Social Psychology
 Mr. George Ailiotis, Protection Associate of UNHCR
 Ms. Sophia Oppermann, Executive Director of Gesicht Zeigen!
 Ms. Hamide Avcıbaşı, Human Rights and Equality Secretary for KTÖS, Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Trade Union

 We will end this exciting event with a cocktail reception at the Home Café Veranda – we are looking forward to seeing you there!


**RSVP by 20 September 2022** RSVP by sending an email to with your name, telephone number and email with the subject line “Antiracist educational materials launch” or call +35722445740 (ext. 108) or +905338537470. 

Due to Covid-19 restrictions the number of guests is still limited at the Home for Cooperation and thus the confirmations of attendance will be taken on first come, first served basis. 

For further information, please check Facebook event at