Loizos holds a BA in Primary Education from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and an MA in Peace Education from the UN mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica where he specifically sought to examine the viewing of History Teaching as a vehicle for promoting a Culture of Peace. Loizos has extensive experience in the education sector both as a Primary School Teacher and a Peace Education activist, project coordinator and researcher.

His research interests include Education for a Culture of Peace, Gender, Interculturalism, Human Rights, Religious Education and History Education. Loizos has conducted research for the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR), UNDP-USAID, the Council of Europe, EUROCLIO (European Association of History Educators), EEA Grants, the University of Cyprus, the Open University of Cyprus and the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies. In the context of his research work with the Open University of Cyprus, he has co-authored academic articles published in various academic journals such as the Journal of Peace Education and the British Journal of Religious Education.

In December 2016 Loizos was appointed by the President of the Republic of Cyprus as member of the Bi-communal Technical Committee on Education in the context of the ongoing peace negotiations. He is also the Coordinator of the ‘Imagine’ Project that brings together students and teachers from across the divide in Cyprus during school hours.