Multiperspectivity and Intercultural Dialogue in Education - Phase I

Project Title: Multiperspectivity and Intercultural Dialogue in Education

Funded by: UNDP-Action for Cooperation and Trust

Partial support for AHDR’s research programme is provided by the European Commission

Programme Period: July 2009 – November 2011

Through phase I of the Multiperspectivity and Intercultural Dialogue in Education (MIDE) project, the AHDR undertook activities in order to address the needs of educators, practitioners and others who are engaged in examining the linkages between education and intercultural dialogue, multiperspectivity and cooperation.

In seeking to strengthen the capacity of educators, the project examined new methods and approaches to teaching, through a number of initiatives:

  • Conducting Research: advocating for change and nurturing a more critical understanding of the links between the perceptions of history, attitudes and behaviors towards the other community, and history education
  • Undertaking Teacher Training: creating opportunities for educators to be exposed to and equipped with the latest techniques in history teaching
  • Developing and producing Supplementary Educational Materials: an invaluable fostering multiperspectivity, historical understanding and critical thinking
  • Establishing a Library & Archive: collecting and sharing resources across Cyprus on history and history teaching, resulting in the establishment of a library at the H4C
  • Increasing Public Awareness: promoting a greater understanding of multiperspectivity amongst the general public through various outreach tools

As a result of the project, the AHDR successfully expanded its programmatic scope to include extensive research, diverse public outreach, and also diversified the range of materials and trainings it offers to its core target groups.

The MIDE project was organized in collaboration with key partners, including civil society organizations and teacher trade unions from across the island and internationally, including the Council of Europe, European Commission, EUROCLIO, The Elders, ICTJ, Kenyon College, Ohio, USA, and the Oxford University Center for Inter- group Conflict, UK

To find out more about the project, read the projects Fast Facts Sheet